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NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks opened mixed Wednesday on Wall Street following a bumpy start to the week.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 16 points to 13,154 in the first half-hour of trading, giving up an earlier gain of 20. The Standard & Poor's 500 index was down two points to 1,403, and the Nasdaq composite rose two to 3,076.
The declines were broad. Only three of the 10 industry groups in the S&P 500 index rose. Aluminum maker Alcoa led the Dow lower with a decline of 1.2 percent.
Hartford Financial jumped 6.5 percent after the company said it would get out of the annuity business and focus on property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. Hedge fund manager John Paulson had urged Hartford to spin off businesses.
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters soared 6.3 percent. The company said it was expanding its partnership with Starbucks to sell Starbucks' Vue coffee packs for use in Green Mountain's Keurig single-cup machines. The news relieved investors concerned that Starbucks' new single-cup Verismo coffee machine might be a competitive threat to Keurig.
Business software maker Oracle rose 3.1 percent after reporting that sales of new software licenses accelerated in the third quarter, a positive sign for business spending and the broader economy.
Baker Hughes fell 4 percent after the oil-field services company said its profit margin would fall below last quarter's as companies shift from crude to natural gas exploration. Baker Hughes is facing shortages of raw materials used in its pressure pumping business, a decline in fleet usage and higher-than-expected personnel and logistics costs.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.32 percent from 2.36 percent late Tuesday. The dollar fell against the euro. Gold and crude oil prices rose slightly.
Stocks closed lower on Tuesday for only the second time in two weeks after two reports suggested an economic slowdown in China. Supercharged economic growth in China over the past three years has helped sustain the global economic recovery. The Dow closed down nearly 69 points, its biggest loss in two weeks.
The Dow is still up 1.6 percent this month and 7.7 percent so far this year. Other indexes are up even more in the year to date: The S&P 500 is up 11.7 percent, the technology-focused Nasdaq composite 18.1 percent.
In a research report Wednesday, Goldman Sachs analysts urged investors to dump bonds and put money into stocks. The report argues that the weak economic growth in the United States and Europe is not universal, and that the 2010s could be the strongest period for world growth between 1980 and 2050.
It also argues that, while Japan's two decades of economic stagnation in the 1990s and 2000s are a tempting comparison to what the U.S. and Europe face today, Japanese stocks were far more overvalued before Japan entered its decline.
"We think it's time to say a 'long goodbye' to bonds, and embrace the 'long good buy' for equities as we expect them to embark on an upward trend over the next few years," the report says.
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Dexidrine is actually a regularly used prescription drug utilised in management of narcolepsy, ADHD, treatment of resistant depression and exogenous obesity.Nonetheless, the drug has high-risk of addiction particularly if utilised in large amounts and occasionally. Need for the drug might cause serious health insurance social conditions might make everything of your user and close associates miserable. This explains the reasons why it is actually imperative for that patents and folks with household hooked on the drug to get immediate professional assistance. Listed below are the chief three symptoms you?ll want to be searching for.
The penitentiary drug Dexedrine addiction treatment programs are available mainly to patients with criminal offender records o socially maladjusted behaviors.Any addicted sent behind the bars and it?s diagnosed to get struggling with addiction to the substance is arrive at the facilities to have professional assistance. Process program helps patients to transition to the community effectively. Efficiency in the program just isn?t troubled by the truth that the medication is not voluntary.
Holistic treatment the holistic addiction treatment plan is made of natural and non-chemical strategies for addressing substance abuse problem. The treatment procedure blends counseling, exercising, meditation and yoga practices. The process procedure is beneficial when officially used on its or it might be combined with other strategies for instance organizations. The intention is to profit the addicts understand that they have got problems and deal with it effectively.
After patients undergo abusing drugs treatment, it is actually fundamental to train them characters that can help the crooks to stay away from returning to drug abuse in future. The regimen is composed of several programs which can be all directed at fortifying the life span of your drug abuser for the better. On the list of treatment procedures applied include the cognitive behavioral therapy. This helps addicts to build, avoid and take care of habits that may get them to resume Dexedrine abuse. The motivational treatment solutions are determined by the willingness of the addict to halt abusing the substance. Therapists provide suitable environment and incentives which could enhance determination of their smashing the habit.
Dexedrine is taken via swallowing. However there are addicts having in bodies through various ways like injection, smoking or even snorting. Despite the presence of the restrictions imposed by FDA it is always feasible for Dexedrine to find its way into illegal hands. The world wide web is but one source abusers are choosing to access the drugs. Here no authorities will be able to regulate the trade. Initially stimulants have been to deal with problems for instance breathing and nervous problem disorders. On the other hand use in this has been stopped if this was discovered that patients were prone to become hooked on the drugs. These stimulants are used in the treatments for a couple of medical conditions like ADHD, narcolepsy and depression that doesn?t interact to other treatments. Asthma and obesity patients are treated using Dexedrine except for awhile only. The operation of treatment may start by gradually decreasing the doses and frequency on the drug Dexedrine.
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By Anne Heerdt-Wingfield
Web Exclusive
I started off parenting my school age children by educating them at home. After five years the situation no longer worked for us and we chose public schools. The kids love their schools and teachers but I still feel grateful for the years we were able to educate them at home. Home education of any variety can be a polarized issue in the United States. As more children are educated at home many parents will consider this option. There is so much wonderful information about homeschooling available now through the internet and local libraries and even some schools. Many families will see the benefits in homeschooling however may not choose to homeschool because of financial concerns, special needs or simply that the children are doing well in their current setting. It is not necessary to make a black or white decision on education. What I learned from my years as a homeschooling mother affects how I parent and educate my children now. I learned many things besides reviewing my elementary math skills, finally figuring out exactly where Zambia is on the map of Africa and just how truly difficult it is to teach a five year old to crochet. I hope that by learning lessons from homeschooling, all parents can take an active part in their children?s education and not feel left out of the fun.
Never Say Never
The first thing I learned was `never say never?. When I started out parenting I had a plan, homeschooling was an integral part of that plan. I loved the idea of flexible days, intense focus on our interests, and a chance to teach our families values. My first year homeschooling was also my sister?s first year teaching in public schools. We avoided the conflict that often rears between homeschooling and public schooling because of our respect for each other and open minded attitudes. We often talked about education; she was curious about what may be different with a child at home and I wanted to know what other kids were doing in school. Looking back I am grateful that I avoided making grand statements that would cause me embarrassment later. The truth is that I honestly could not predict what would work best over the next 13 years. My motto in the beginning was to choose what worked best for my child and the family on a case by case, year by year basis. I have met families committed to home education who changed due to an extended illness of the parent, and public school teachers who started to teach a child at home because of the child?s illness or severe allergies. I also have met parents who continue to homeschool with two full-time jobs or widowhood. There are no rules as to what makes one family send children to school and another to stay home to learn. Many parents will give you some version of `I started with lots of ideas on raising kids, and ended up with lots of kids and few ideas?. This classic statement is borne not from defeat but rather from the experience of life and respect for the children as they grew.
All Work Teaches Something
Perfectionism stands in the way of learning. In homeschooling you can get caught up in the search for the perfect program or style. However what attracted me to homeschooling was the freedom to choose between all the options available in education. The choices cover a broad range from traditional schooling similar to education in the previous century, classical education focusing on Latin, to relaxed education and even unschooling. Unschooling reminds us that all work teaches something, and that includes curriculum at home and in public schools. By spending all day with your school age children you are aware of the school work they are doing as well as the games they are playing and the physical activity they are participating in. I have seen a child who has been struggling with a math concept suddenly ?get it? when adding up a score while bowling, or while cutting a cake into equal pieces. I have also watched them learn responsibility not only by doing homework but by participating in chores and all the jobs that I needed to do in order to keep a home running. I could not do all of it while also helping them with their projects. We had to cooperate in order to make home schooling work. Our loose curriculum did not just include math and reading, but a subject I called life skills. The children learned to cook and do laundry and clean up after themselves. The actual knowledge that education imparts is only part of what is important. Children learn the skills to find information from a report, but can use that to study an interest as well. They can learn as much from earning a bad grade in school as a good one.
Spending Time With Kids Is Good
The other way we worked it out was to cooperate. We had mixed days on cooperation: one day I would be ready to call the reporters from Home Education Magazine, the next I prayed that no missionaries came to the door. The foundation of cooperation was quiet time. Quiet time was a rule in the house. If they did not nap they had to entertain themselves quietly on their bed for an hour at least. All the kids are great readers and have developed ways to play alone. Now that they are older and used to attending school we stay in practice by having TV free time on a regular basis, and mom still gets nap time on weekends and school breaks.
Teachers (Including Parent Teachers) Are People Too
While teaching my kids I had my bad days. I had grand ideas of what we could accomplish at home in our school and garden and projects. After a few years I realized we were not going to do as much as I had hoped or as much as the kids wanted of the fun stuff. I learned long before I put my kids in school that teachers (including parent-teachers) are people too. I enrolled my kids hoping that with the school handling the basic subjects then we would have time on our own to sew and garden and craft. Even then I was overambitious. When I walk into the classroom and see a project in progress or a display on the walls I have a glimpse of how much work it took in preparing and cleaning up in addition to just doing the actual project. I have approached teachers about issues and found that at times even the veterans are overwhelmed by a combination of kids or teaching a new concept or the new record keeping to prove they are achieving national goals. I find that the teachers are honest, human and truly have the student?s best interest at heart. That helps me work as a partner to the teacher instead of feeling I am bowing to authority whenever I walk into the classroom.
In The End, The Kids Are Yours
The heart of what I learned from my years of homeschooling affects how I treat my children now in school. I know I have choices that are legal, I have the option to pick what is best for my children in education or medical matters or simply lifestyle. More importantly I know that in the end, the kids are my responsibility. This has led to different choices over the years to keep our eyes on the long-range plan rather than a short-term fix. In homeschooling, families are accustomed to creating what they need. Some available curriculum was created for a specific need by an experienced parent or teacher. Clubs and activities that are not readily available are made up. Other times the same lack of activities can lead families to choose a public or private education to support an interest in concert band or team sports that is not possible another way. The point is that if you feel something is important to your child?s development then you as a parent are the one who is ultimately going to make that happen. Some of the best advice I got from a homeschooling book was to make a list of things you want your child to know by the time they are grown. The list can be a series of life skills or academic subjects or character lessons. Then look at how the most important things are going to be imparted to your children. Do they need special help in reading? Then advocate at the schools. But while you are waiting sit down with a book and get to work with your child. Will they need to learn cooking, financial and automotive skills before they are an adult? Then cook with them one night a week, have them balance the checkbook or require an auto shop class before driving the family car. If you want to teach character then show it in small ways by reasonably following school rules or complying with the laws concerning home education. Be willing to offer your 15% to what the school is teaching before choosing the 100% option of homeschooling. We all have days when we think that anyone else is a bigger influence on our children than we are. Children are smarter than that. They know that you will be the one there for them at 25 and hopefully 45 too.
Our current situation is that we still educate at home, and the children attend public schools. Over the summer we are studying personal finances, improving swimming skills, cooking and baking, traveling and reading. Next year the kids will learn Japanese and French as well as having excellent art classes and a PE program that does not depend on mom?s bad knee. What about the year after that? I can?t tell you. Maybe we will rent an RV and do schooling across the United States or stay home and sew our own clothes or join a team sport.
Anne Heerdt-Wingfield is a wife and mom and Mothering reader from way back. She lives in Colorado with her husband Phil, and children Erica (13) Tamarin (10) and Tyler (7) and pets Zoe, Midnight, Hazy and Pete.Source:
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An ultra-fast camera uses scattered laser light to create images of hidden objects, which could have military and industrial clean-up applications
By Geoff Marsh and Nature magazine ?| March 20, 2012?|
Image: Nature
From Nature magazine
The ability to see objects hidden behind walls could be invaluable in dangerous or inaccessible locations, such as inside machinery with moving parts, or in highly contaminated areas. Now scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge have found a way to do just that.
They fire a pulse of laser light at a wall on the far side of the hidden scene, and record the time at which the scattered light reaches a camera. Photons bounce off the wall onto the hidden object and back to the wall, scattering each time, before a small fraction eventually reaches the camera, each at a slightly different time. It's this time resolution that provides the key to revealing the hidden geometry. The position of the 50-femtosecond (that's 50 quadrillionths of a second) laser pulse is also changed 60 times, to gain multiple perspectives on the hidden scene.
"We are all familiar with sound echoes, but we can also exploit echoes of light," says Ramesh Raskar, head of the Camera Culture Research Group at the MIT Media Lab which carried out the study.
A normal camera can only see objects that are right in front of it. Light that reaches the sensor from beyond the direct line of sight is too diffuse to convey useful information about the hidden scene, having been scattered by multiple reflections. The new set-up, described today in Nature Communications1, overcomes this problem by capturing ultra-fast time-of-flight information ? that is, how long each photon has taken to reach the camera. This information is then decoded by a reconstruction algorithm concieved by team member Andreas Velten.
Exploiting scatter
Most ultra-fast imaging technologies aim to mitigate the effects of scattered light, focusing instead on just the first photons to reach the sensor. The difference here, says Raskar, "is that we actually exploit the scattered light".
The camera really earns its ultra-fast label. It can record images every 2 picoseconds, the time it takes light to travel just 0.6 mm. So it can record the distance travelled by each photon with sub-millimetre precision.
One of the big technical challenges was teasing apart the information from photons that have travelled the same distance, and reached the camera at the same position, after hitting different parts of the hidden scene.
The computer overcomes this complication by comparing images generated from different laser positions, allowing likely positions for the object to be estimated. Whereas photons that have hit different parts of the hidden scene from one laser position may be the same, they will have a different total distance for another laser spot. "The overall mathematical technique," explains Raskar, "is similar to the computational tomography that is used in X-ray CAT-scans."
At present, the whole process takes several minutes, but researchers hope that in the future, it will be reduced to less than 10 seconds.
This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on March 20, 2012.
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Paul J. Richards / AFP - Getty Images
Reverse mortgages can give seniors cash to buy groceries and medicine.
By Mark Koba,
Finding themselves financially strapped, more seniors at an earlier age are trying to get reverse mortgages on their homes in order to survive, according to a new report.
The study says the percentage of people aged 62 to 64 applying for reverse mortgages has increased 15 percent since 1999.
The reason for the dramatic upswing among "younger" seniors is simple, the report concludes: They need the money.
"The average age for taking out reverse mortgages has been around 71,"? explains Sandy Timmerman, director of the MetLife Market Institute who conducted the survey with the National Council on Aging.
"But with job losses, higher debt and living costs, more and more of the 'younger' seniors are looking at reverse mortgages as a way to pay their bills and keep their homes," Timmerman adds. "It shows the devastation some seniors have gone through since the financial downturn."
Reverse mortgages ? which allow homeowners to borrow against the value of their homes ? have been around since the early 1960s, but have grown in popularity. TV commercials with celebrities such as Henry Winkler, Robert Wagner and Fred Thompson promoting reverse mortgages, are rampant during weekends and late night viewing hours.
?But whether it's the ads, the financial necessity, or both ? reverse mortgages have become attractive to more seniors. In 2010 alone, more than 80,000 Americans over 62 years old finalized a reverse mortgage. That's up from 25,000 in 1995.
?'It's not surprising that more seniors are doing this at an earlier age," says Karl Byrd, CFP, vice president at Security Ballew Wealth Management. "We live in a time when people are not planning for their retirement or can even get out of debt. Some seniors can't even buy groceries right now."
?The increase in the number of reserve mortgages may simply be due to the growing number of seniors, poor or not, says Gregg Smith, COO of the lending firm, One Reverse Mortgage.
"We've noticed the age range for reverse mortgages getting 'younger' for us," Smith says. "But when you figure that some 10,000 people a day reach 62 in the U.S., we're seeing this grow among all seniors and believe it will get even bigger in the next 10 years."
Another selling point for reverse mortgages is the gain of respectability.
"Those ads aside, reverse mortgages are getting rid of the bad reputation they've had in the past," says Mark Goldman, a real estate professor at San Diego State University and a real estate investor, who's handled reverse mortgages for some of his clients ? including his in-laws.
"The loans are backed by the government and more financial planners are looking at them as a viable option for their clients," Goldman goes on to say. "With mortgage rates low, and reverse loan fees dropping, they can make good sense."
How a reverse mortgage works is fairly simple. Designed for those 62 or older, a homeowner gets a lump sum or a payout for the equity in their house. The loan, with interest, does not have to be repaid until the last surviving homeowner moves out of the property or passes away.
There's no income or credit check and even if a senior is in foreclosure ? and as long as the house has equity ? they are eligible. All who apply must meet with an independent home loan counselor to discuss the ins and outs of getting a reverse mortgage.
Reverse mortgage loans are not taxable, and generally don?t affect Social Security?benefits. Most loans have adjustable rates and can be re-financed, while some have fixed rates.
But they do come with a price tag and tight restrictions. Previous loans have to be paid off. Closing costs can add up ? the average is about $2,000 to $3,000 depending on location. And there's no free ride when it comes to property taxes and mortgage insurance ? they have to be paid by the homeowners to keep the house.
Homeowners must use the house as their main residence, and if the homeowner dies or wants to sell, the proceeds must go to pay off the loan.
Another warning signal ? reverse loans can use up all or most of the equity and leave seniors with fewer assets as they grow older. And the loans are geared toward older seniors. The older someone is, the more credit is available. That's why most reverse mortgages have been taken out by people in their 70's. That is until now.
"Weaker economic conditions are pushing 'younger seniors' to go for any amount of money they can get at an earlier age," says Timmerman.
"The people we surveyed in the younger age range applying for the loans were clear about their needs for financial help," Timmerman says. "They didn't seem like they could wait."
At a time when more seniors in the U.S. are facing poverty?? some 15.9 percent are considered poor ? it's not surprising to see the move to reverse mortgages, says Mark Goldman.
"I saw a an older woman at the drugstore the other day, asking her pharmacist to please cut the costs of her medicine," Goldman adds. "When you see seniors facing rising health care costs, and as they lose jobs and see 401(k) returns shrink, it's going to be tough not to look at a reverse loan."
This story, "More seniors using reverse mortgages to raise cash," first appeared on
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These grant-in-aid application forms are to be forwarded by the Graduate Director, who must endorse each application. Tuition grants are not available to first-year students. Loans and Other Financial Aid The Office of Student Aid, 314 Shields Building, offers limited financial assistance in the form of ? Retrieve Document
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1. Don?t procrastinate. Resist a enticement to equivocate your taxes until a final minute. If you?re rushing to accommodate a taxation filing deadline, it?s easy to disremember intensity assets and your risk of creation an blunder goes up.
?We don?t wish people to forget to file, since a IRS won?t forget,? pronounced IRS orator David Tucker. ?There?s no reason to suspend since if we need assistance solution any questions, there are so many resources out there,? including by phone, website or walk-in taxation assistance centers.
2. Visit IRS and FTB websites. Go to ?1040 Central? on a IRS website ( for questions on e-filing, taxation credits, fraud alerts, how to select a taxation preparer and other topics.
?It?s a heart of a IRS website. We strongly inspire taxpayers to use it,? pronounced Tucker.
Similarly, a FTB?s website ( has useful links to countless tax-filing topics.
3. Use e-filing.
Last year, about 80 percent of all Californians and U.S. taxpayers filed their state and sovereign taxation earnings online.
There are giveaway options on both FTB and IRS websites. In California, about 2 million taxpayers already have a finished ?Ready Return? watchful for them. Based on final year?s taxes, it?s generally for singular people with one employer and fewer than 5 dependents.
?It?s already completed. You make any changes, contention it and we are finished until subsequent year,? pronounced FTB orator Daniel Tahara. Another FTB choice is CalFile, that generally takes 15 to 30 mins to complete, regulating step-by-step instructions. It?s for singles who don?t acquire some-more than $167,000 annually or married couples filing jointly with income reduction than $333,000.
The IRS offers ?Free File? options that are no-cost to those creation next $57,000. Those with aloft incomes who are gentle scheming their possess taxation earnings can use ?Free File Fillable Forms,? that are electronic versions of IRS paper forms.
4. Get an extension. If we can?t fill out your IRS paperwork on time, we can record to get an involuntary six-month IRS prolongation ? by Oct. 15. However, we still contingency compensate during slightest 90 percent of what we owe or be theme to late-payment penalties.
To obtain an IRS extension, record Form 4868 (Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return). To download a duplicate online, go to To get a duplicate by mail, call 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). Allow during slightest 10 days for mailed forms.
For California taxes, there?s no form to fill out for an involuntary prolongation until Oct. 15, though we contingency compensate a full volume due to equivocate penalties and interest. To calculate what we owe, use FTB Form 3519.
5. Don?t panic. If we can?t compensate a full volume of taxes due by a Apr deadline, cruise prejudiced payments. Both a IRS and FTB let taxpayers set adult installment plans, that assign seductiveness though can assistance we equivocate penalties for nonpayment.
6. Ask for help. There are countless village sites that offer giveaway tax-filing assistance for low-income taxpayers and seniors, many in mixed languages such as Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese. The giveaway taxation help, offering by lerned volunteers, is sponsored by a IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for a Elderly programs, as good as a AARP. Locations embody open libraries, comparison centers and churches.
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As mentioned, in evaluating the market, demand and supply analyses and business case need to be evaluated, which includes understanding all the areas of business case analysis. Understand buyer behavior, such as key consumer purchase criteria, developing the customer value chain, identifying the points of purchase, and characterizing customer loyalty. Do segment analysis, including business case, determining segment volumes, and segment characterization. Know all the market players and determine their market shares, split by overall and by product group, core competencies and traits, and market positions. Understand historical and emerging trends in the market. Identify market trends across the areas of environmental trends, supply side trends, and demand trends. Develop a diagram of the market force landscape. Identify all points of integration.
All the financial statements of a company are linked with each other and can be tied back to the daily activities of the firm business case development. The balance sheet financial statement summarizes business case analysis of what a company?s business case owns less what it owes, and balances them with the sources of financing (bonds). The statement is stated at a specified point in time not a longer time frame. Costs and revenues are not matched. The cash flow statement shows the actual cash flows related with sales and cost items in a fiscal year, to represent the true adjustment in position. P&L statements compare costs to relevant revenues in a given year to give a comprehensive picture of performance.|For traditional growth strategy thinking, many people rely on the time-tested business framework Porter?s Five Forces, developed by Michael Porter business case. By evaluating these industry forces, a business can decide on its competitive strategy, which falls into either one of four areas: cost leadership, business case development, cost focus, or differentiation focus.
Creativity in business case is about thinking productively, not reproductively business case analysis. There are numerous psychological barriers to creative thinking, including a reliance on what we know and repeating past experiences. We need to train ourselves to deviate our thinking to a more creative approach. Management groupthink and a discomfort with lack of certainty often prevent creative thinking in the strategy development planning session. Even after we find an innovative solution, participants must still explore existing alternatives that may prove viable. We must generate as many alternative approaches as we can to solve an existing problem in business case if the goal is to deliver an innovative solution. Productive thinking hopes for separation from historical experiences and processes.
Business strategy includes the areas of corporate strategy, marketing strategy, sales strategy, among other areas business case model. Business strategies are often done within a bi-annual strategic planning workshop, typically conducted in a 3-5 day remote conference space with executives and key stakeholders, both within and outside the organization. Marketing strategy includes brand strategy, go-to-market strategy, as well as SEO strategy. When we speak about growth strategy, we should include organic growth and inorganic growth, namely M&A. Sales strategy includes distribution strategy, direct sales strategy, and business development.
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Whether for graduate school or undergrad, many people use student loans to finance their education. Some do this out of necessity. Others do it because they believe student loans to be a prudent financial choice. There are many pros and cons associated with student loans. A smart and informed student should recognize these things if he or she wants to make the best possible decision before heading to college.
Student loans can be deferred or put into forbearance:
One of the major pros of using student loans is that most of these loans are very flexible. Government-backed student loans come with the option to defer. Students do not have to pay the loans while they are still enrolled in school. Another positive is that students can request an unemployment deferment. If a student does not have a job and is looking for work, he or she can contact the loan provider and request an interest-free deferment with many loans. Lots of loan providers also provide a temporary forbearance for students who are having difficulty.
Some student loans can be forgiven:
Some students will take government loans before working in the public interest. People who plan to serve for ten years in a public interest position can have their government loans forgiven after that point. This can amount to a massive amount of savings for those students. This option is not available with all privately funded loans.
Student loans charge interest:
Even though the interest rate is low, student loans still charge something each year. Interest paid is money that you could have otherwise had. Graduate loans carry a higher interest rate that can make paying off the loan difficult in some instances. This will make your education more expensive than it might have been. Some people will rationalize this cost. Still, it remains a negative factor associated with taking out student loans.
Student loans cannot be discharged through bankruptcy in most cases:
Whether you have student loans or government loans, it is incredibly difficult to discharge student debt in bankruptcy. The vast majority of people will be stuck with these loans regardless of their financial situation. Many other types of debt can be discharged if things go wrong. You can expect to pay off these loans until you?ve zeroed out the balance, left the country, or left the earth. The finality of students loans is scary. This is why students should think long and hard about taking out loans before they receive the first dime. When used properly, they can be a definite positive.
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Where are your baby?s jewel keepsakes? Are they in a drawer,new air jordan, a Ziploc sack,christian louboutin homme,1 age shoebox,air jordan spizike,alternatively worse: you don?t know where they are? January 2012 marks the eighth daily NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) sponsors Get Organized (GO) Month. GO Month namely devoted to raising awareness of the benefits of hiring a vocational organizer plus being organized. When thinking almost National GO Month,and organizing one?s own house, it tin be quite overwhelming. So starting this big project with something recreation plus more amenable such as organizing your baby?s keepsakes is a great access to begin.
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A leading Malawi rights group called Thursday on President Bingu wa Mutharika to resign or face "civil disobedience" for mismanaging the economy and trampling on democratic freedoms.
"We call for the resignation of the president or for a referendum within 90 days to seek fresh mandate from the people of Malawi," the religious rights group Public Affairs Committee (PAC) said in a statement.
The group, which defied a ban to hold a two-day meeting of bishops from the Catholic and Anglican churches and opposition figures, said it wanted Mutharika to step down within 60 days.
"In the event that these demands are not met, we will call on Malawians from all walks of life to go for civil disobedience," it added.
Riot police had been deployed to prevent any protests to Mutharika's rule, with the group sidestepping the government ban by holding the meeting in a Catholic church outside the commercial capital Blantyre.
The PAC called on political parties and other civic groups to push for a national referendum if Mutharika refuses to step down.
"Malawi has drastically deteriorated politically, economically and democratically ... a country on the run from 2004-09 is now bordering on a failed state," the statement added.
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In a complex math that matches graduating med students with residency programs across the country, they learn where they'll be studying for the next three of four years.
Welcome to "Match Day."?
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine students are among those learning their future. They pick up envelopes with their name and destination at 9 a.m. today.
A student has some say in the matter. They've interviewed and listed their preferences or programs. The National Residency Matching Program does the rest, and says that 85 percent of medical students get matched to one of their top three choices.
Some of them might be staying at OHSU, which has 66 slots available in its residency training program.
So, here are some quick facts about the future doctors of the world, according to OHSU:?
* 4,571 applications for 66 slots in OHSU's primary care residency program, specifically:
* 1067 applicants for 12 spots in Family Medicine
* 902 applicants for eight spots in Family Medicine Cascade East
* 914 applicants for 13 spots in Pediatrics
* 1,688 applicants for 33 spots in Internal Medicine
* 121 medical students will graduate from the OHSU School of Medicine in 2012.
* OHSU ranks 10th in the nation for in-state retention of physicians who complete their residencies at OHSU.
* Nearly half of all OHSU medical school graduates end up practicing in Oregon.
-- The Oregonian
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Hypertension is usually a sign that something is unbalanced within the body, whether there are too many toxins or hormones. Treat hypertension with a whole food diet, which helps to nourish the nervous system, with help from an experienced chiropractor in this free video on healthy living.
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If we?re lucky enough to reach old age, we?ll still have to face one of the modern era?s most daunting challenges: making sure that we have the right kind of senior health care for ourselves or our loved ones. But achieving this doesn?t mean you?ll have to compromise the quality of your life. The right approach makes all the difference.
Take an honest look at what you or your loved one needs in terms of care. Ask yourself or your loved one how much help you realistically need to keep yourself and your house in order. If you?re ill, can you still care for yourself? Do you need to make changes in your house to accommodate the changes age brings? As long as your home provides the facilities and safety needed, independence is easier to maintain.
Even a chronic illness doesn?t mean a total loss of independence. If you can take care of your personal needs but can?t manage cooking, errands, and housework on your own, you could be fine with part-time help.
But no matter how well we?ve taken care of ourselves, age imposes limitations that can be compounded by illness. A chronic debilitating condition necessitates in-home healthcare from someone who has the right background and training. You or your loved one will need someone with either licensed practical nursing or home health nursing training, preferably in the area of elder care.
Staying at home can make the difference between maintaining a good attitude toward aging and giving up. Avoiding stairs and keeping the sleeping, bathing, and living areas centralized is important. If your home isn?t up to the task because it?s two stories or lacks proper facilities, some creative thinking and prudent renovations can be the solution.
Some two-story homes only have a half bath on the ground floor. Even small bathrooms can usually accommodate a walk-in stall shower with a seat built in, which is far safer and more convenient for in-home care.
But even one-story homes might benefit from redesigning the bathroom. The safest way for the elderly to bathe, with or without assistance, is in a walk-in shower. This simple renovation will make it easier to maintain dignity and a good relationship with your home help.
Don?t hesitate to ask the advice of professionals, such as your doctor, or friends who have already gone through the experience of setting up senior home care for themselves or their loved ones. There?s no need to reinvent the wheel to make sure that every contingency is covered. Approaching the task with common sense and love will provide you and your family with a happy result.
I?m a healthcare professional specializing in companion care 19020.
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I have a Quaker parrot, I would like to bring her with me on errands. I?ve never taken her outside except on my deck in the back yard, she just sits on my shoulder and is very calm. I would like to bring her with me when I leave the house so she doesn?t have to sit home alone bored. Do any stores allow birds? Also, do you need to carry the bird in a travel cage or use any sort of restraint, or can you just hold the bird yourself?
you can have your bird at some stores for example only pet-stores like pet-smart, or petco. They say you can bring in any of your pets just as long as you have a cage and also i asked Petco and Petsmart if i could bring in my parakeets and they said that you could but the birds have to be fully trained and they have to be put in a cage! As long as your parrot an take all the people at the store then you should be fine. Hope your parrot helps you pick out what she wants!!! good luck!
Pet stores, if they care about getting your business will not put up any kind of grief about you having your bird on your shoulder in a store.If your bird craps in there, HEY its a pet shop.They should be used to that.If it was a grocery store, that would be a different situation of course.
Use the cage and you should be fine.
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Article by David
Mobile Phone accessories have gained immense popularity, almost in the equal proportion to the amount of advancement pertaining to mobile devices. The past decade has witnessed a tremendous surge in the count of mobile phone subscribers and newer and advanced mobile phones are helping people to benefit from several ways to communicate, entertain and stay connected. While count of mobile phones sold is surpassing established limits a niche market catering to Mobile Phone accessories is also benefitting from growth. More mobile phone users mean more selling of mobile phone accessories.
What are they?
The existence of mobile phones in singularity does not hold ground anymore. There are a hundred varieties of accessories facilitating their use and functions. Be it the amazing speakers, the speed dial facility, the Bluetooth device or the headphones with 3D surround sound ? Mobile Phone accessories ensure that the advanced feature with which your mobile phone is laced with is fully benefitted from! Essentially, they are of two types, internal and external. While the former include the likes of GPRS connectivity, music system & video recording, the latter are more pronounced as they carry accessories for portability, listening or adding charm. The add-on to the list may those snazzy armbands, bling stickers, cases, quality screen protectors, holders, portable USB cords and headsets. Although, there is always a certain kind of accessories which are generally provided with all kind of phones, for added zing and functionality, you?d always like to look for more possibilities available with leading mobile accessories dealers.
Most Common Phone Accessories
Batteries & Chargers- Considered to be a simple necessity, batteries and chargers are a must for each handset. They ensure the proper working of a mobile phone.
Cases & Covers- Cell phone covers help protect the mobile phone from any external damage. They are provided in addition to screen protectors which preserve the exterior of one?s phone. They are mostly available in plastic, adhesive or vinyl formats.
Headsets- Commonly mistaken for earphones, headsets have altogether a different function to perform. Most Bluetooth headsets can be attached to the ear- freeing both hands, while making a call. This means that one does not have to stop other work to use a phone!
USB Cords- Basically a connective device, USB cords help connect a mobile phone to an external system like a PC or a laptop. This way, files can be easily transferred from one instrument to another.
Speakers- A good set of speakers would help users enjoy enhanced audio quality, thus, raising the communicative experience.
Mobile phone accessories have impeccably registered their power today. Currently, they are not just communication devices, but are also devices that also facilitate superior music, video, gaming and Internet experience!
All you need now is to buy the required accessory from a trustworthy vendor. Options are aplenty!
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Jacob Aron, technology reporter
Imagine being chased by one of these... A robot named Cheetah has broken the speed record for four-legged robots by hitting almost 30 km/h. The previous record of 22 km/h was set in 1989.
Cheetah is being developed by Waltham, Massachusetts-based Boston Dynamics, with funding from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as part of its Maximum Mobility and Manipulation program, which aims to improve the design and mobility of robots.
You might remember Boston Dynamics' previous robots, which include the BigDog, designed as a military pack mule, and the humanoid PETMAN, capable of running on two legs and performing press ups to test the durability of military clothing.
This new robot mimics the movements of fast-moving animals in nature. It uses a short hopping gait at low speeds but increasing its stride and pace by flexing and unflexing its back with each step, much like an actual cheetah. The current version of the robot has only been tested on a laboratory treadmill, where it is held in place to ensure it remains centred, and is powered by a remote hydraulic pump. Boston Dynamics says that it plans to start testing a free-running prototype later this year.
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LONDON (AP) ? Britain?s rhythmic gymnastics group has won its appeal after missing out on a place for the London Olympics.
Britain?s governing body for gymnastics will now nominate a rhythmic group to the British Olympic Association. The gymnasts could now be offered an automatic host nation place in the London Games under the rules of the international federation.
The group filed an appeal after falling short of the 45.223 benchmark score set by British Gymnastics at the Olympic qualifying event in London in January.
The appeal was upheld Monday by a sports arbitration body. Arbitrator Graeme Mews ruled that the gymnasts and their coaches did not know that selection would be based only on the qualification stage.
Tags: England, Europe, Events, Gymnastics, London, Olympic games, Sports, Summer Olympic games, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Women's gymnastics, Women's sports
This entry was posted on March 5, 2012, 7:20 am and is filed under Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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One good example is Mill Pond country club. This is the best spot for those who are always on the go. Many clubs provide several amenities, but Mill Pond country clubs have the top facilities. They offer you worldclass providers to visitors and members. This might be your best haven, specifically in the event you like sports activities. This spot can also host occasions and parties like anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings.
Many individuals go to nation clubs to enjoy these amenities. In most clubs, you don?t have to be a member to obtain access. Search for the nearest nation club and request for their rates for non-members. You can even inquire online and check their offers. Most of these clubs are open to leasing their home and amenities for diverse occasions.
What do they precisely provide?
Golf course for more active people
The main attraction is the Mill Pond golf course. The club features a huge landscaped regular 18-hole specialist golf course. Professionals and starters pay a visit to these clubs in the course of the spring and summer season months. These months have the ideal climate circumstances for players and spectators. You?ll find also short courses where you?ll be able to follow your swing. Immediately after taking part in a round, you are able to sit at the terrace and get pleasure from an impressive see of the whole program. There is certainly also a bar and good dining establishments situated close to the driving array. Many enthusiasts hold golfing tournaments organized for charity or funds in a Mill Pond golf course.
Golfing isn?t just the sport they supply. Other sports activities amenities like tennis and badminton courts are readily available for those who wish to remain active. Members of the club hold tournaments in the well-groomed lawns. Other clubs within the location also feature swimming and polo on their grounds. Checkout the place to see other amenities they are able to offer you.
Some members make use of the health center located inside the country club amenities. You can start improving your health and bodily recognition using a full physique work out. Take yoga and Pilates classes, or have a speedy run on one particular in the treadmills. You are able to also hang around the sports activities bar and lounge if you would like to watch a match with other sports fans. This is a terrific place to prepare recreation nights with your buddies and kinfolk.
If you merely want to loosen up or get a superb massage, try the club?s salon and spa. Get your hair accomplished or try different spa remedies while waiting for your companions. Some clubs can also arrange spa parties for you personally as well as your friends.
Mill Pond country club has a lot of items to offer. Be sure to attempt the nation club facilities the next time you might be arranging an occasion or a holiday vacation.
The author is planning to visit Mill Pond golf course, while looking for retirement communities Long Island.
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- Darren Naish ? A peculiar whale skeleton is included fortuitously in the sci-fi movie Hunter Prey
- Bora Zivkovic ? Clocks in Bacteria IV: Clocks in other bacteria
- Krystal D?Costa ? Editor?s Selections: Plants, Ancient Homes, Amazonia, Stick Figures, Death, And The Plague
- DNLee ? Feministing Friday: Why Serial Monogamy is bad propaganda for women
- Jason G. Goldman ? Friday Fun: Dolphin Stampede
- Princess Ojiaku ? Friday musical performance: Bjork in NYC tonight
- Justin St. P. Walsh ? The Final Environmental Frontier: Space Development and Its Consequences
- Kate Clancy ? Vaginal pH Redux: Primate Vaginal Microbial Communities and Your Health
- Scicurious ? Friday Weird Science: Does beer really give you a beer belly?
- Joanne Manaster ? Casting for ?Top Engineer? Game Show and Host for ?Shocking World?
- Glendon Mellow ? How do you fill a dinosaur exhibit with feathers?
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