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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Daughter-in-law seeks reward in capture of UK fugitive (Reuters)
Monday, February 27, 2012
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CSN: Ortiz takes on leadership role in Boston
FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Every year for the last 10 years, Red Sox ownership has been addressing the organization on the first day of spring training full-squad workouts.
Saturday, for the first time, a player joined them in addressing the team.
Veteran DH David Ortiz, unannounced, added some remarks at the end of the meeting. He praised the Red Sox ownership group and encouraged his teammates to show pride in wearing the Sox uniform.
"The reason why I stepped and said something,'' said Ortiz afterward, "was for the new players to get the right idea about what we're trying to do this year.''
In the aftermath of Tim Wakefield's retirement and the absence of Jason Varitek, Ortiz is now the longes-tenured Red Sox player in the clubhouse. That, he admitted, played a part in his decision to speak out.
"I'm one of the older guys here,'' said Ortiz. "We have these meetings and we never step up and say things. We do nothing but listen. But today, I think it was a good time for us as players to make sure that our owner doesn't feel guilty about the job that they do.
"I think they did a hell of a job last year, putting a good team together. After that, it's not on them; it's on us. Everybody wants to call out Mr. Henry or Larry Lucchino or Tom Werner and at the end of the day, there's nothing else that they can do but do what they did last year -- pick up good players and bring them to the organization. After that, it's on us.
Ortiz told teammates that "wearing 'Red Sox' on your shirt and the jersey, you've got to be proud of that. You've got to be absolutely proud of it because of the history of the organization. Hopefully, everyone takes that personally and (will) be responsible.
"We're employees here. We have rules to follow and we have a boss and we have to do what he wants us to do.''
According to several people in the room, Ortiz's remarks were greeted with a loud ovation.
Now, he hopes the message takes.
"I don't want people to get the wrong idea here,'' said Ortiz. "We have a lot of guys trying to win games. We have a lot of guys busting their asses just to do the right thing. The situation that we faced, it ended up not being what people expected it to be. But we have tons of guys here who care and they want to make things happen so this organization can come out on top.''
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Insurance | Health Insurance Options For Early Retirees
One of my biggest worries about early retirement is health care. The cost of health care keeps increasing every year, and it is outpacing inflation by a wide margin. Sometimes I wonder if my investments can keep up with rising health care costs. This is a big problem for early retirees because we won?t qualify for Medicare until age 65. If you retire before then, medical insurance can be very expensive and difficult to find. Here are some options for those of us who dream of early retirement:
[See 10 Important Ages for Retirement Planning .]
COBRA . If you leave a job with a group health insurance plan, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act allows you to continue using the same health care plan for a limited amount of time if you are willing to pay the whole cost. This means you will have to pay any amount your employer used to cover plus administrative expenses. The good thing about COBRA is that you benefit from the group rate and continued coverage. However, the cost can be a bit shocking to employees who formerly paid only a part of the cost. COBRA coverage generally lasts for up to 18 months, so if you are 63 and a half, this might be the way to go until you qualify for Medicare.
Retiree health insurance . Some companies offer retiree health insurance to long-tenured employees. To qualify, your age plus your years of service might need to pass a certain threshold, such as 70. If you are hoping to retire with such a plan, get all the information from your company retirement program. Some programs may subsidize a portion of your health insurance premium until Medicare kicks in.
[See How Long Should I Work Before Retirement? ]
Part-time job . A part-time job might provide the health insurance you need until you are old enough to qualify for Medicare. Costco, Starbucks, and Trader Joe?s are some of the companies that provide health care benefits to their part-time employees. However, there might be a qualifying period before part-timers can sign up for the health care plan, which could vary from a few months to a year or more.
Spouse?s insurance . If you have a working spouse whose employer offers a family health care plan, this is another way to fill in the health insurance gap. The premium is generally much less than buying insurance privately.
Private insurance . This is a very costly option because you do not receive any group discounts. The insurance provider can also decline your application if you have pre-existing conditions. Your state may have a group plan that you can join if you?ve been turned down by a private insurer. Your state may also subsidize a portion of the health care premium if your income is below a certain level. However, low income plans might have many requirements and a long wait time to join.
[See How to Finance Life Until 100 .]
On demand health care . This might be a good option if you are young and relatively healthy. On demand health care clinics offer an affordable option for everyday health problems. For example, each visit at ZoomCare costs $99, which may be a good short-term solution if you don?t have a chronic illness. But this may not be a good option for older people because long-term illnesses may crop up.
Finding affordable health care is a huge problem for early retirees, and there is no easy way to avoid the high price. Perhaps we will have more options when the health insurance exchanges become operational. Until then, we just have to take care of our health as much as possible and minimize our health care costs through better living .
Joe Udo is planning an exit strategy from his corporate job by reducing expenses and increasing passive income. He blogs about his journey to early retirement at Retire by 40 .
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sweden's newborn princess to be named Estelle (AP)
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Friday, February 24, 2012
?Rampage? Jackson growing weary of mixed martial arts
This weekend is a dangerous spot for Quinton Jackson. "Rampage" sounds less than motivated to face Ryan Bader and he admits he's sick of facing light heavyweights with a wrestling base.
"Sometimes it is hard to get motivated. Like when I fought Matt Hamill, I really wasn't motivated for that fight. At the end of the day, it's my job to fight," Jackson said. "I am kind of tired of fighting a bunch of wrestlers. I'd like to fight more striking-based fighters."
Jackson isn't getting his wish at UFC 144. Ryan Bader is a former All-American wrestler at Arizona State. His striking has gotten better, but he's already admitted there's little chance he's going to simply stand and bang with a guy like Jackson.
"I'm getting kind of bored with guys who want to take me down all the time. [...] I just want to excite people. I know fans are saying I'm one dimensional because i just try to knock people out. I just like knocking people out," said Jackson.
Who doesn't, right? But to do that a fighter has to be well-rounded enough to mix up his game, add to it and then improvise in the cage. Jackson doesn't seem to be adding much to his game at all. He's not a huge fan of training and he certainly isn't in the gym year-round working on his game. It sounds like he's already got his eye on his next challenge.
"The opponents I'm getting, a lot of people just want to take me down. I want to try and see how I'll do in both [boxing and MMA]. I haven't done boxing yet, so before I lay down the fighting, I want to try boxing," said Jackson.
At minus-260, Jackson is a big favorite in the fight.
You can watch UFC 144 right here on Yahoo! Sports
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
P&G to cut about 10 percent of non-manufacturing jobs (Reuters)
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Why we have moral rules but don't follow them
Editorial: "If morality is broken, we can fix it"
WHY do we sometimes wrestle with moral dilemmas? A twist on a classic psychology experiment suggests that our minds have two parallel moral systems, and they don't always agree.
In the trolley experiment, participants are told that a runaway tram trolley could kill five people on the tracks. They must decide whether to divert it onto a second track with only one person on it. Almost everyone diverts it, sacrificing one to save five.
But if instead you have to push one person off a bridge onto the track to stop the trolley, most people demur. That suggests most of us have a strict rule against killing people directly, even for the greater good.
How are such rules formed? Although moral codes appear to rule out the act of killing in the bridge experiment, most moral behaviour in animals appears focused on outcomes - the death of an individual, say - rather than the act that brought it about. When an animal experiences harm to help a relative, evolutionary biologists view this as increasing the chances that copies of the animal's genes will survive. Many psychologists think that human moral rules are an extension of this "kin selection".
Robert Kurzban of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia thinks there's more to it than that. His latest study suggests there are moral rules that arose independently of those shaped by kin selection.
Kurzban's team gave volunteers variations of the bridge scenario. Volunteers were asked what they would do and whether their actions were morally right. Eighty-five per cent of them said it would be morally wrong to push one person off to save five, whether these people are brothers or strangers, confirming the idea that there is a rule against killing.
However, despite thinking it wrong, 28 per cent said they would still push a stranger off to save five, while 47 per cent said they would push a brother off to save five brothers. "They're more likely to do this 'less moral' thing if it's to save a relative," Kurzban says, suggesting kin selection is at work as well as the basic "moral rule" against killing (Evolution and Human Behavior, DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2011.11.002).
The experiment shows we have at least two parallel systems for deciding right and wrong: one that says some actions, like killing, are bad, and another that tells us to protect kin. They can clash, so how is this helpful? Co-author Peter DeScioli of Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, says social cohesion demands we have rules, regardless of what they are, to help resolve disputes quickly and peacefully.
DeScioli says our rule-making system is arbitrary, producing the belief that masturbation is "bad", for instance. The good news is that such rules can be changed.
But some may be harder to change than others, says Fiery Cushman of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. He says our protectiveness towards relatives influences rule-making, otherwise there would not be universal injunctions against theft, rape and murder.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Effecitive Client Communications | Posts and Ezines
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Studies indicate that throughout purchase in order to keep your own identity at the top of your past clients mind, you ought to touch your own customer a minimal of 14 instances per yearmore if perhaps at just about all possible.
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That would us very have: a customer that ignores us, or simply specific that pays attention in order to us?I assume you?d very come with a customer that pays attention in order to us. With train your own customers in order to take notice, and in addition, so, in order to keep us at the top of their mind, you need to figure out how in order to send them communications that provide them value. Are you able to offer a special for them or simply a person they refer in order to us? Are you able to provide them an yearly or simply semi-annual update on their purchase? Are you able to send or simply e-mail them articles of interest that relate in order to their purchase?Just what us send does not come with to be big or simply costlyit simply should be of interest in order to the client. Do not simply send some thing in order to send it. Think about precisely what you may be sending and in addition precisely what it willor may notcommunicate regarding us and in addition your own company. In the event you want your own customers to consider us and in addition definitely not ignore us, consequently take the time plus the effort in order to make sure you may be sending some thing of value. In the event you usually are definitely not pretty sure it has value, it possibly does not.
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US, Europe look at fast but risky penalty on Iran (AP)
WASHINGTON ? The United States and Europe are considering unprecedented punishment against Iran that could immediately cripple the country's financial lifeline. But it's an extreme option in the banking world that would come with its own costs.
The Obama administration wants Iran evicted from SWIFT, an independent financial clearinghouse that is crucial to the country's overseas oil sales. That would leapfrog the current slow-pressure campaign of sanctions aimed at persuading Iran to drop what the U.S. and its allies contend is a drive toward developing and building nuclear weapons. It also perhaps would buy time for the U.S. to persuade Israel not to launch a pre-emptive military strike on Iran this spring.
The last-resort financial effort suggests the U.S. and Europe are grasping for ways to show immediate results because economic sanctions have so far failed to force Iran back to nuclear talks
But such a penalty could send oil prices soaring when many of the world's economies are still frail. It also could hurt ordinary Iranians and undercut the reputation of SWIFT, a banking hub used by virtually every nation and corporation around the world. The organization's full name is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.
Meanwhile, violence is increasing. Explosions in Bangkok on Tuesday ? Israel's defense minister labeled them an "attempted terrorist attack" ? came the day after Israel accused Iran of trying to kill its diplomats in India and Georgia. Those attacks followed the recent killings of Iranian scientists.
In the financial world, the United States can't order SWIFT to kick Iran out. But it has leverage in that it can punish the Brussels-based organization's board of directors. Talks are focused now on having Europe make the first move.
Short of total expulsion, Washington and representatives of several European nations are in talks over ways to restrict Iran's use of the banking consortium to collect oil profits.
European action on SWIFT could come quickly.
Representatives from SWIFT were scheduled to meet with European Union officials this week, a U.S. official familiar with the talks said. The official said the meeting was expected to result in the EU ordering SWIFT to expel at least some of its sanctioned banks, though it was unclear whether the order would extend to Iran's Central Bank.
The Obama administration is divided over whether the possible gain is worth the risk in trying to threaten SWIFT into kicking out a member country, in part because of concern that it would set back the global financial recovery. Iran remains a global financial player despite years of banking sanctions, and blocking it from using the respected transfer system would be a black mark like no other.
More than 40 Iranian banks and institutions use SWIFT to process financial transactions, and losing access to that flow of international funds could badly damage the Islamic republic's economy. It would also probably hurt average Iranians more than the welter of existing banking sanctions already in place since prices for household goods would rise while the value of Iranian currency would drop.
Lawyers for SWIFT are holding meetings in Washington. People familiar with the talks say a compromise is possible in which SWIFT would voluntarily bar or restrict Iranian transfers.
But if SWIFT fails to act on its own, the U.S. expects Europe to require it to terminate services for Iranian banks, another Obama administration official said.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
David Cohen, the Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, delivered that message to European Union officials in Brussels earlier this month, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly and thus spoke only on the condition of anonymity.
Mark Dubowitz, a sanctions expert advising the White House on Iran, said the Obama administration is having detailed discussions on the merits and consequences of forcing SWIFT to block Iranian transactions.
Some in the administration also prefer to give time for new sanctions on Iran's Central Bank, officially enforced starting just this month, to take hold before layering on a round of even more draconian penalties.
SWIFT was involved in a separate controversy when it was revealed in 2006 that it had skirted the EU's strict privacy laws after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by transferring millions of pieces of personal information from its U.S. offices to American authorities as part of the US Terrorist Finance Tracking Program.
"It is an essential cog in the wheel, if not the wheel itself, in international financial transactions and trade," said David Aufhauser, former general counsel at the Treasury Department who worked with SWIFT to set up that information transfer.
SWIFT handles cross-border payments for more than 10,000 financial institutions and corporations in 210 countries. It lets users exchange financial information securely and reliably, thereby lowering costs and reducing risk. It operates on trust and neutrality ? SWIFT accepts nearly all comers and does not judge the merits of the transactions passing through its secure message system. Its managers generally brush off investigators and enforcement agencies, telling them to take up suspected wrongdoing directly with nations or corporations.
Established in 1973, the essential but little-known hub is overseen by major central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.
Lawyers familiar with SWIFT's operations said it could bar processing actions with any Iranian party or third parties representing Iran, though that would open the consortium to complaints of favoritism or political influence. It could permit the processing but quarantine Iranian transactions, or require warnings to those doing business with Iran. Penalties on Iran short of expulsion could allow SWIFT to preserve a greater appearance of neutrality but make business partners think twice, lawyers said.
Proponents of blocking Iran from SWIFT say the financial network's own bylaws require that its services not be used to facilitate illegal activities and allow it to prohibit users that are subject to sanctions.
While the U.S. and Europe debate options, some American lawmakers are trying to increase pressure on SWIFT. The Senate Banking Committee passed a measure earlier this month directing the White House to press SWIFT to block Iranian entities.
A tougher House bill would compel the administration to sanction SWIFT unless it stopped providing services to Iran.
The pending legislation has caught the attention of officials at SWIFT. The financial network's general counsel and other advisers requested a meeting with congressional lawmakers and staff next week, Senate aides said.
Officials close to the White House say the Obama administration is comfortable with the less restrictive language in the Senate Banking Committee measure, but has concerns that more-binding legislation would leave the U.S. less flexibility in dealing with Iran.
SWIFT did not respond to requests for comment. In a brief statement posted on its website, the consortium said it is committed to fighting misuse of the financial system to finance terrorism and has cooperated with enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Europe.
Without addressing the specifics of a full expulsion or more limited block on Iranian transactions, SWIFT's statement urged caution.
"SWIFT remains committed to maintaining its role as a neutral global financial communications network" while complying with sanctions laws, the statement said.
Associated Press writer Slobodan Lekic in Brussels contributed to this report.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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Legal Agreements and Corporate Identity ? Jason Foscolo LLC ...
Barry Estabrook happily reports that Trader Joe?s has finally ceded to the demands of the?Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a farmworkers rights group that has sought better wages and working conditions for agricultural laborers engaged in tomato and citrus picking.
CIW?s victory is impressive because of its labor law implications. One of its main objections has always been that its membership is still paid by the piece.?Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, farm laborers are?not entitled to minimum wage or overtime as a matter of law?if they are employed in piece work.?Trader Joe?s concession means that it will only enter into purchasing contracts with suppliers that eschew these exemptions and pay more than minimally required for their labor.?CIW?s victory marks the rare occasion where agricultural activism has succeeded in forcing a company to do more than the bare minimum mandated by federal law. Trader Joe?s dramatic and long-overdue concessions will most definitely take the form of a boring legal document, a purchasing contract that stipulates how the producer?s workers will be paid.
Shamed into forsaking a perfectly legal but morally unethical labor law exemption, Trader Joe?s now lauds its course correction on the?company?s website:
?Trader Joe?s is cherished by its customers for a number of reasons, but high on that list is the company?s commitment to ethical purchasing practices. With this agreement, Trader Joe?s reaffirms that commitment and sends a strong ? and timely ? message of support to the Florida growers who are choosing to do the right thing, investing in improved labor standards, despite the challenges of a difficult marketplace and tough economic times.?
Trader Joe?s fought for years to continue using the exemptions, ?reluctantly adopted better wage standards after a lengthy PR drubbing, then instantly enshrined its new ethical production standard all its future purchasing contracts. Putting an agricultural or a production ethos into legally enforceable terms was Trader Joe?s clearest path towards making a lasting promise to its conscientious consumers. Trader Joe?s learned how to do this reluctantly, but there is no reason why a more forward-thinking management cannot preemptively chart a course of corporate responsibility without all the lengthy arm-twisting CIW had to go through.
Some businesses, like the ones I profiled at the start of the new year, understand intuitively that they are only as good as the legally binding promises they make. Brooklyn Bouillon and Two Guys in Vermont have built their business models around how they treat their workers and the symbiotic deals they cut with their input providers because they are targeting conscientious consumers. More traditional companies may come around reluctantly after getting repeatedly beaten over the head with bad press, but the smaller companies are more nimbly leading the way.
Consumers are beginning to demand this kind of transparency from the people that make their food. Earlier in the week, the Humane Society and United Egg Producers got together to adopt more humane standards for laying hens. The Internets went bananas with the ?bitter enemies ? now best friends? angle, but I think everyone might have missed the more interesting point in both these stories. CIW and The Humane Society, along with the kinds of food entrepreneurs we like on this blog, are more perceptive than the corporate giants about the changes taking place in the market. Their ethos is more closely in line with how the public wants their eggs, tomatoes, and other foods produced. The corporate types understood (eventually) that the best way to keep up was to codify their newly enlightened ethics in their legal documents. It?s a lesson they could have observed from a contemporary food entrepreneur if they had been paying attention.
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Monday, February 13, 2012
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There are so many different types of games that are available in today's time which have gained immense popularity. Despite their popularity and attraction classic game have not been able to loose its popularity. It still remains one of the most popular forms of games which one can enjoy and still not get bored with it. It is time to bring these back. Since video games and computer games have become so popular among people nowadays that one has forgotten to play classic game.
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Posted By yourmuse on February 12, 2012
Many of you who have been around the look for loans may have come across finance institutions that offer unsecured exclusive loans. they are solely loans that you simply do not have to use any form of collateral. Those who have been borrowing loans from the typical banking institutions understand what collateral is.
In short collateral acts as safety within the part of the lender. In case you default the payment they may choose to offer the collateral in order to recuperate their bucks. For This Reason, a mortgage without collateral is viewed as much more dangerous over the part of the loan provider. This is why the loan providers have decided to make the prerequisites for this type of loan to be much more stringent that individuals of loans that do necessitate collateral.
The demands are even stricter on those individuals with very poor credit standing. When you go to a loan company with bad credit they as a rule check out the total of of your probability you will finish up to them should they lend you the money. If you will finish up an excessive amount of of a risk, then they may increase the interest rates or make up your mind to not supply you with the mortgage all in concert. If that occurs to you, you absolutely need not get upset with that distinct loan provider. What you have to do is thank the financial institution for his or her time after which it consider the lender that will be willing to lend you the unsecured loan.
if you resolve you do obtain the mortgage, then you should do everything in your ability to make all the payments promptly. If for any explanation you skip a payment, then the loan company has the best to phone inside the loan, which suggests you not just have to fork out without delay, but will more than doubtless incur increased charges. In the end, you are having to pay more than what you have at first borrowed. This can not be way too pleasing especially if your funds is now stretched with the limit. For That Reason the most beneficial point to perform is always remain on number one belonging to the payments.
That explains why a lot of the lenders make the rates for the unsecured loans really quite excessive. They solely make the rates enormously excessive, and this kind of that you will be vigilant of spending the mortgage again and minimize the chance of managing into money concerns later on.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
Bachelor: Bros Beer and Broken Poles | Go To Food Spots | PNW ...

So artsy it's almost hipster...
Hipsters and beer.? Two things that more or less sum up what can be found in the Oregonian part of the Pacific North West.? That and there?s a bit of snow, a lot of fog, and some of the most glorious groomers you?ve ever witnessed.? An anomaly from the typical ski town scene, at the bars people are more concerned with bro brahing about who has the gnarliest, highest alcohol content beer?rather than butting heads over who slayed it harder that day.

The original and quite debatably the best pancake house!
The premier place to go for food and drink (or at least one of many quaint little dive bars) is CJs.? Located off the main road as you enter downtown, they offer cheap food and even cheaper drinks.? Serving up quality as well as quantity, you can?t go wrong with a burger and fries, chicken strips, or nearly any other fried dish of your choosing.? All for around abouts of $6.50.? This will of course be served up by a thick glassed, tight pant clad OH.? That?s right people, an Original Hipster.? Not this poser garbage we get in California.? Oh, and with $1.50 domestic drafts on Thursday nights, you might as well move to Bend now.

They even do waffles
The breakfast front is almost equally delicious, as The Original Pancake House is located off the main drag on your way back up the hill toward the mountain.? Serving up fantastically fresh strawberry waffles and some of the most rich French toast I?ve ever sampled you can?t go wrong.? They?ll even send you on your way with a to go cup of coffee!

Pretty full parking lot at Bachelor...not
But that?s right.? We?re here to ski.? Bachelor serves up some fun turns and is currently harboring approximately 1000% more snow than Tahoe at the moment.? A six hour drive away, the groomers alone are well worth your while.? Skier cross status rollers, and hair pin turns that would put the Rhalves Bonsai to shame, they?re more or less pure adrenaline.? The off piste is skiing less than fantastic at the moment, but the top 300 yards still foster some ripping chalky turns.

About as many people as you can expect on a groomer at any one time
Stay tuned for an update from Crystal and video chronicle of all the shenanigans!

It wouldn't be a road trip without the gear explosion

And rest assured, the Squaw boys unleashed the gnar
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Saturday, February 11, 2012
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homebuilders New York - Homebuilding Tips: Choosing the Right ...
Residing in New York
Are you currently considering of moving your family to New York? You could not have picked a much better place. You already realize that New York is one of the most well-liked cities inside the world. The Big Apple has a great number of factors to supply for both travelers and individuals who want to raise their families. The city is a lot more than the little island of Manhattan. You'll find far more excellent locations to dwell in this kind of as Queens, Brooklyn, and Long Island.
Constructing your house with New York homebuilders
If you're fed up of paying rent, it's about time to look for homebuilders in New York. With a number of residential developers constructing new living spaces, the industry is filled with selections. All you'll need to complete is look for the very best ones. Homebuilding is usually a smooth procedure whenever you know what you would like. Becoming ready will assist you to save time, funds and could preserve your tension levels down. Your New York homebuilders can do the job for you. From helping you come up with suggestions on how your house ought to be built to settlement and moving, hiring a professional homebuilder will assist you to keep things in order.
Homebuilding tips
Start with the basics
It all starts with all the proper measurement, style, and idea. Although your vision of one's dream residence may incorporate a massive kitchen and enormous glass windows, your partner may assume otherwise. To keep away from confusion, usually begin with all the basics. Don't get too excited. Produce a checklist and enumerate the important facts. What are the precise measurements? How several bedrooms and bathrooms are required? It's also important to settle for one style. Your New York homebuilders may also assist you to with this job. They're able to suggest design alternatives and existing draft pictures of one's new residence. They're able to also offer important checklist or recommendations. When you determine on the fundamentals, you are able to start searching for add-ons.
Get professional help
Except if you're an skilled homebuilder, you'll need pros to execute your plans. When seeking an architect, designer, or homebuilder, you'll need an individual with related encounter plus a excellent reputation. Don't settle for one source. Get as several references as you are able to and look at their credentials. Check their profiles and look at their previous tasks. Remember, it is your home they are creating. It's important to make sure that your builder and contractors are all insured. In case you have questions, in no way hesitate to ask them.
Examine the house carefully
Experienced homebuilders in New York have a better eye for factors that want improvement. Make your own personal list at the same time. Once the project is carried out, you are able to employ a property inspector to seem more than anything. That particular person can examine if the electrical and plumbing systems are working nicely.
Now you're just one step away in the direction of creating your new residence. Remember, with the proper homebuilders, you are able to turn that residence for your dream property.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
aime danita: The Wildlife World | Reference and Education ...
th? circle ?f life ?n animal species coincides with th? human world. If ? portion ?f th? animal population would collapse, this could h??? ? huge effect ?n th? human population. Each animal, ?n land ?r ?n water, determine how another animal ?r human w?ll continue t? thrive.
Nature, ?? we know ?t, ?l?? known ?? "birth." Everything ?n th? natural, material ?r physical world ?? known ?? nature. th? physical world we see, touch ?nd feel ?? ?l?? known ?? nature. Whatever man creates ?r w?ll create ?? not known part ?f th? natural world. th?t ??, unless human's ?r? referred t? ?? ?n "human nature" supernatural.
Wildlife ?? known ?? anything th?t ?? not domesticated. th?t would include animals, organisms ?nd plant life. All types ?f ecosystems: plains, wetlands, oceans ?nd deserts would b? where wildlife lives. Sad t? say, human beings many times g?t ?n th? way ?f ? wildlife habitat f?r th? wrong ?r even right reasons.
th? natural environment ?? ?l?? known ?? th? environment. th? natural environment entails every living organism, which ?? living, ?nd non-living naturally ?n planet. If ?t were not f?r humans interfering, th? natural environment would d? wh?t ?t does best: live, eat, play, mate ?nd pass away. If ??? consider how vast ??r natural environment ?? w?ll wow ???. th?t ?? b?????? each ecological system h?? animals, vegetation, soil, rocks, microorganism's natural phenomenon ?nd th? atmosphere.
Filed: Wildlifetags: environment, wildlife, animals, nature
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Saturday, February 4, 2012
Marketing Your Business with Social Networks | Weight Loss Boot ...
Have you noticed the way people are locating companies online has evolved? Algorithms tend to be more complex, making the search engine spiders react similar to people. Search engines are additionally paying far more attention to the actions of social websites users (i.e. absolutely everyone!) once they give back their results.
Online community end users talking about companies, or interacting with them employing like features and social network voting models (including the Google Plus One application), provide strength to the rating your website receives in appropriate lookups. The inference for small and medium-sized businesses is clear. Get with the internet marketing plan or become left out in the cold.
Employing Social Networking to Market Your Online Business
Social bookmarking is the latest podium and it can make tea towel manufacturer marketing more valuable than previously. Learn to make use of a new exposure.
Your brand name is effectively what your clients think about you. And so the trick is always to be sure most will think identical things with regards to you, and that whatever they feel are favourable. You?ve got an idea of how you want to brand your business, needless to say, however this idea is not literally your brand until it has been efficiently presented for your supporters.
Internet marketing is the ideal instrument to brand a business. It functions by connecting personalities and providing a forum for discussion and argument. So what you need to do is straightforward. You position your company by establishing it as an online personality, that communicates directly with its own buyers.
Why You Should Brand Your Company By Using Social Websites
A social networking site is distinctive and that means confirmed interest. Additionally, it usually means best home insurance UK supporters spreading the word for you.
Customers set a great deal of store from the recommendations they obtain by way of their social network colleagues. Social media recommendations are seen as neutral and thus a lot more reliable. This is likewise the key reason why search engines seriously consider them.
Also, when you build an online character that can talk directly with distinctive customers, you then have a special opportunity to change a simple fan into a legitimate evangelist. This concept of brand evangelism has been created by the social media concept, which makes it possible for users to steer thousands of new peers right to your internet pages.
How to make New Followers and Have an Effect on Buyers
The new net technology is just commencing to genuinely impact the way consumers do business. Jump to the front of your queue by simply using your customers to sell your products for you.
Advertising through a social network isn?t really about promoting head on. It is about developing a natural environment in which people are persuaded to have interaction with the small business, and after that to order your products and services.
Start running interactive competitive events and enjoyable activities. Invite potential customers to attend flash gatherings by texting them on the web with a day and location. Get a real viral buzz going around your business and you will begin making contacts that involve themselves with your business on a daily basis. Close friends who pay attention to your company, speak about you ? and finally, pick you if they need to have anything you offer.
This entry was posted on February 3, 2012 at 3:52 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your site.
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Friday, February 3, 2012
6 interesting technology law issues raised in the ... - Internet Cases
Patent trolls, open source, do not track, SOPA, PIPA and much, much more: Facebook?s IPO filing has a real zoo of issues.
The securities laws require that companies going public identify risk factors that could adversely affect the company?s stock. Facebook?s S-1 filing, which it sent to the SEC today, identified almost 40 such factors. A number of these risks are examples of technology law issues that almost any internet company would face, particularly companies whose product is the users.
(1) Advertising regulation. In providing detail about the nature of this risk, Facebook mentions ?adverse legal developments relating to advertising, including legislative and regulatory developments? and ?the impact of new technologies that could block or obscure the display of our ads and other commercial content.? Facebook is likely concerned about the various technological and legal restrictions on online behavioral advertising, whether in the form of mandatory opportunities for users to opt-out of data collection or or the more aggressive ?do not track? idea. The value of the advertising is of course tied to its effectiveness, and any technological, regulatory or legislative measures to enhance user privacy is a risk to Facebook?s revenue.
(2) Data security. No one knows exactly how much information Facebook has about its users. Not only does it have all the content uploaded by its 845 million users, it has the information that could be gleaned from the staggering 100 billion friendships among those users. [More stats] A data breach puts Facebook at risk of a PR backlash, regulatory investigations from the FTC, and civil liability to its users for negligence and other causes of action. But Facebook would not be left without remedy, having in its arsenal civil actions under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Stored Communications Act (among other laws) against the perpetrators. It is also likely the federal government would step in to enforce the criminal provisions of these acts as well.
(3) Changing laws. The section of the S-1 discussing this risk factor provides a laundry list of the various issues that online businesses face. Among them: user privacy, rights of publicity, data protection, intellectual property, electronic contracts, competition, protection of minors, consumer protection, taxation, and online payment services. Facebook is understandably concerned that changes to any of these areas of the law, anywhere in the world, could make doing business more expensive or, even worse, make parts of the service unlawful. Though not mentioned by name here, SOPA, PIPA, and do-not-track legislation are clearly in Facebook?s mind when it notes that ?there have been a number of recent legislative proposals in the United States . . . that would impose new obligations in areas such as privacy and liability for copyright infringement by third parties.?
(4) Intellectual property protection. The company begins its discussion of this risk with a few obvious observations, namely, how the company may be adversely affected if it is unable to secure trademark, copyright or patent registration for its various intellectual property assets. Later in the disclosure, though, Facebook says some really interesting things about open source:
As a result of our open source contributions and the use of open source in our products, we may license or be required to license innovations that turn out to be material to our business and may also be exposed to increased litigation risk. If the protection of our proprietary rights is inadequate to prevent unauthorized use or appropriation by third parties, the value of our brand and other intangible assets may be diminished and competitors may be able to more effectively mimic our service and methods of operations.
(5) Patent troll lawsuits. Facebook notes that internet and technology companies ?frequently enter into litigation based on allegations of infringement, misappropriation, or other violations of intellectual property or other rights.? But it goes on to give special attention to those ?non-practicing entities? (read: patent trolls) ?that own patents and other intellectual property rights,? which ?often attempt to aggressively assert their rights in order to extract value from technology companies.? Facebook believes that as its profile continues to rise, especially in the glory of its IPO, it will increasingly become the target of patent trolls. For now it does not seem worried: ?[W]e do not believe that the final outcome of intellectual property claims that we currently face will have a material adverse effect on our business.? Instead, those endeavors are a suck on resources: ?[D]efending patent and other intellectual property claims is costly and can impose a significant burden on management and employees?.? And there is also the risk that these lawsuits might turn out badly, and Facebook would have to pay judgments, get licenses, or develop workarounds.
(6) Tort liability for user-generated content. Facebook acknowledges that it faces, and will face, claims relating to information that is published or made available on the site by its users, including claims concerning defamation, intellectual property rights, rights of publicity and privacy, and personal injury torts. Though it does not specifically mention the robust immunity from liability over third party content provided by 47 U.S.C. 230, Facebook indicates a certain confidence in the protections afforded by U.S. law from tort liability. It is the international scene that gives Facebook concern here: ?This risk is enhanced in certain jurisdictions outside the United States where our protection from liability for third-party actions may be unclear and where we may be less protected under local laws than we are in the United States.?
You have to hand it to the teams of professionals who have put together Facebook?s IPO filing. I suppose the billions of dollars at stake can serve as a motivation for thoroughness. In any event, the well-articulated discussion of these risks in the S-1 is an interesting read, and can serve to guide the many lesser-valued companies out there.
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
Motor vehicle Insurance policies Glenview | welcome to ...
Illinois Law calls for all motor auto owners to have minimal quantities of auto authorized accountability insurance method. Additionally, lending establishments may possibly call for bodily hurt insurance policies to safeguard their interests in a financed car with health insurance for students.
Within the State of Illinois the necessary minimum volume insurance policy protection for bodily personal harm is $20,000 per man or woman hurt in anybody auto incident and $40,000 for all persons hurt in anybody collision.
The expected minimum volume protection for home harm is $15,000 for harm to or the destruction of asset of other people today in everyone incident.
Optional insurance may effectively entail Uninsured Motorist Insurance policy policy protection. The somme stage of this insurance policies insurance ought to be equal to the bodily personal harm liability boundaries, except if particularly rejected in composing. The quantity of Uninsured Motorist insurance method may perhaps certainly not be a lot less than that which is legally anticipated for Bodily Damage Legal accountability Insurance policy method.
Legal accountability insurance policy will cover bodily harm (bills stemming from injuries or loss of life to pedestrians or to occupants in a different auto) or residence hurt (charges stemming from deterioration to one more person?s auto or residence, i.e., fences, trees and properties) triggered by the policy holder?s negligent operation of your car. Furthermore, this insurance may also be employed if a member of the protection holder?s family or one more man or woman with permission to make use of the auto brought on an crash. Legal defense in lawsuits can also be coated beneath this insurance protection.
Illinois calls for liability confines of 20/40/15 which represent $20,000 for bodily harm insurance method for each and every distinct man or woman and $40,000 for bodily hurt cover each and every crash that will compensate for health care expenditures and misplaced wages. The final quantity of fifteen represents $15,000 for home harm protection for each and every accessoire which will compensate for repairs and/or replacement of objects harmed or destroyed other than the policy holder?s personal auto.
Particular Damage Safety (PIP) and No-Fault Insurance policy policy protection are not necessary by the state, even so, Uninsured (UM) as well as Underinsured Motorist Insurance policy policy protection (UIM) is necessary. The UM protection will shell out bills for bodily injuries triggered by a strike-and-pleasurable driver or a driver with no auto liability insurance method who is at fault. The monetary confines right here are $20,000 for each and every man or woman and $40,000 for each and every crash. UIM protection will fork out the big difference among the protection holder?s UIM boundaries and the authorized accountability limitations of your driver leading to the collision if all those limits are reduce than UIM. This is anticipated only if the method holder purchases greater restrictions of UM insurance policy protection.
Collision Coverage as effectively as Detailed Insurance policy method may possibly also be expected with regard to precise bodily harm.
02. February 2012 by
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Tags: health insurance for students |
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Higher oil prices lift Exxon's 4Q profit (AP)
NEW YORK ? Exxon Mobil had a simple formula for success last quarter: It sold oil at higher prices.
Everything else was a struggle for the largest U.S. oil company. Production fell, its refineries suffered from high costs and falling fuel demand, and it made less money on chemicals. Even its big investment in natural gas hasn't paid off.
But oil's a different story. Global oil demand is outstripping supply. The U.S. benchmark price for crude rose 10 percent during the final three months of 2011. As a result, Exxon was able to charge customers more for crude ? 27 percent more than a year earlier.
That helped the company's fourth-quarter income rise 2 percent. Net income totaled $9.4 billion, or $1.97 per share, compared with $9.25 billion, or $1.85 per share, a year earlier. Revenue rose nearly 16 percent to $121.6 billion.
Exxon Mobil Corp., like other major oil companies, is struggling to tap new sources of oil fast enough in an environment where big finds are rarer and costlier to exploit. Potential fields lie deep under the seabed, or in shale rock formations that require expensive technology to crack open. When Exxon can't find oil fast enough, it is stuck with existing fields where production is declining.
In the fourth quarter Exxon's oil and natural gas production fell 9 percent, even though it has plowed more than $20 billion a year into finding new sources since 2007.
Exxon says its investments will pay off long-term. Still, investors worried about the company's ability to raise production and sent the company's stock price down 2 percent on Tuesday.
Rivals like Chevron Corp. are struggling with the same challenges. Last week Chevron reported 2011 production levels that were the lowest since 2008.
Exxon's is also grappling with its $30 billion bet on natural gas from two years ago. In 2010, the company bought XTO Energy Inc., a huge natural gas producer. Exxon won praise for the deal because natural gas prices were falling. Experts assumed that prices would rise once the U.S. economy strengthened following the 2007-2009 recession.
The XTO Energy deal sparked a stampede by major energy companies into North American gas markets. A surge in drilling has since pushed production to record levels in the U.S., creating record levels of supply.
This January, the price of natural gas dropped to its lowest since 2002.
Now, Exxon is looking to oil to hedge its natural gas bet.
On Tuesday, the Irving, Texas energy giant said that it has shifted U.S. operations to focus more on developing wells rich in oil. It didn't give more details. But investor relations Vice President David Rosenthal told investors in a conference call that Exxon must commit itself to a "higher value, higher margin" business.
In the past year, "we've actually doubled the percentage of the rigs in that (U.S.) fleet that are drilling either liquids or liquids-rich plays," Rosenthal said.
Exxon still has high hopes for natural gas. The company said in December that by 2025, natural gas will replace coal as the second most popular fuel in the world. But for now, Exxon said, its focus will be on producing more oil.
Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Fadel Gheit said the company needs to do more. He said Exxon should follow competitors like Chesapeake Energy Corp. that have slashed gas production while investing heavily in oil wells.
"They don't want to have dead wood dragging them down," Gheit said.
Exxon's other businesses struggled in the fourth quarter.
Earnings dropped 63 percent at its refining business, which has been hurt by the rising cost of oil and declining gasoline prices. Stricter rules on car and truck fuel economy are expected to keep demand low for years in the U.S. and Europe.
Exxon's chemicals business saw profits decline 49 percent.
For the full year, Exxon's net income rose 34.8 percent while revenue rose 26.9 percent.
Last week, Chevron Corp. said profits slipped 3.2 percent. ConocoPhillips reported a 66-percent increase in quarterly earnings, though much of that came from the sale of a pipeline and other assets. Royal Dutch Shell will report its financial results later this week.
Follow Chris Kahn on Twitter at
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Car Body Repairs | Malaga Automotive Repair
Car Body Repairs
When a problem occurs with any car, isolating and identifying its problem based on the symptoms is troubleshooting. While troubleshooting will not lead to car repair , it is a logical and systematic approach which will help determine what is causing the problem. The knowledgeable may be able to repair the car with such troubleshooting help. What is more critical is that it comes in handy when dealing with the car mechanics who more often than not take the unwary customer for a long ride.
At times, it may be as simple a problem with the car battery and at other times something very complicated beyond the capability of the user. Starting and charging are some of the most common problems that can be dealt with at home. When the engine does not start, check the battery, battery terminals, battery cables and ignition circuit to make sure that the voltage is reaching the circuit.
Sometimes, the starter may not start due to low voltage if the battery is low or has corroded terminals or loose cable connections. A faulty ignition switch or wiring problems also prevent the engine from starting leading to car repairs.
Car body repairs are something else altogether. Sometimes they are best not attempted by the novice as they can lead to more disfiguration of the car. By leaving the car body repairs to the professionals, a new look can be obtained. Even the removal of the slightest dent or scratch can leave the car looking brand new and have the owner feeling like a new person.
If you think that a car body repair is going to cost you an arm and a leg along with leaving you without your beloved companion for days on end, rest assured that those days are long gone.
The car body repairs field has seen a lot of breakthroughs in the recent years that can save you both time and money. A newspaper explained a new technique involved in removing all minor dents without having to repaint the whole damaged portion. But only a few shops possess this technique and can carry it out successfully.
Tags: Body, repairs
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